Professor and Head,
Department of Microbiology,
Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam.
President, Dr. Apparao Foundation
Phone: 9246616864 / 7989516265
Change the way disease is treated
We believe we have found the fundamental switch that causes all diseases to manifest, and have invested significant time and resources to conduct studies to strengthen our claim.
This has originated from the practise conducted by our founder, Dr. P. AppaRao over the past 30 years and the observations that he has made during this study. This long study, along with additional research through animal experiments, has enabled him to propose a biological cycle that we term “Rao’s Vicious Cycle” which aims to establish thecentral dogma of disease and inflammation.
With a single therapy, Dr.Rao has given a method of cure for diverse diseases and medical conditions, and has produced material to substantiate his claims.
Promote our concept among the scientific &medical communities and spread awareness among the public through research, publications and presentations and media.
Bring affordable healthcare for all. If our concept is validated, it has the potential to make tertiary healthcare available to the public at primary healthcare level. Our aim is to establish health centers to achieve this mission.
We strongly believe that radical and innovative medical miracles arise from thoughts of medical practitioners and not from research labs. There needs to be a human touch and human thought involved to cure human sufferings and this cannot happen in mechanized research laboratories.
Dr. P Appa Rao Research Foundation has been incorporated to bring back the art of medical science back to its fundamentals – to cure human illness and disease and not to make a business out of it. Dr. P Appa Rao Research Foundation is headed by his wife P. Parvathi to show the pioneering work of a new science in the field of medicine.
A medical discovery offers an immunological Approach in treatment of inflammatory-related diseases. Bobbili, India is where the work of Dr. Peddapalli Apparao has reaped incredible medical results from the period of 1982 to 1990 and found a common link in many diseases. He has studied further and upgraded his qualifications and conducted an animal experiment and hypothesized a biological cycle called Histamine Vicious Cycle(Rao's Vicious Cycle) and claims as it is the Central Dogma of Inflammation and Disease. He has given a method of cure for many diseases with a single therapy "Anti Histamine Antibodies(Appa-hista)". He has cured much number of diseases with this method of cure. Thus he has identified a common link in all the divergent diseases. The purpose of bringing this credible cures case notes and the videos given by the consent of the patients to attract various research organisations for validation and initiate further research in this field. At present this foundation cannot offer any treatment for the patients till the final outcome comes from valid scientific organisations.
Thirty years ago in India Dr. Apparao Peddapalli began researching, testing and developing an approach for the treatment of inflammatory related diseases which he based on his patient observations and experiences relating to a recurring incidence of inflammation in the body that he identified and refers to as “Rao’s Vicious Cycle.”
Developing his own system of treatment using locally available and affordable drugs, he has successfully treated many diseases including IBS, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers.
In the past 10 years, the belief among the medical community that a great many illnesses are caused by inflammatory issues that take place inside the body unchecked, has gained a legitimate following. The result is that treating patients with anti-inflammatory drugs has gained popularity.
Recently an article appeared in the science section of the Guardian, a leading U.K. newspaper stating that “Anti-inflammatory injections could lower the risk of heart attacks and may slow the progression of cancer, a study has found, in what researchers say is the biggest breakthrough since the discovery of statins.” And that “Heart attack survivors given injections of a targeted anti-inflammatory drug called canakinumab had fewer attacks in the future, scientists found. Cancer deaths were also halved in those treated with the drug, which is normally used only for rare inflammatory conditions.”
Over the years as Apparao’s success rate increased, he has gained a following in South India which reached also to the Asian community abroad to the point that word of his success reached the U.K.
As a result a U.K. based filmmaker Teddy Hayes decided to investigate further which led to him making a documentary about Dr. Apparao’s work. This included travelling to India and interviewing many patients as well as other qualified and western trained medical doctors who both validated and attested to the efficacy of Apparao’s treatments. Many had also sent some of their patients to him that they were not able to treat successfully but were cured by Apparao. Some of his medical colleagues are so impressed that they believe Apparao has made a medical breakthrough.
Apparao who is an immunologist by training, states that his “treatment is based on both observation as well as clinical studies carried out over a period of 30 years” and
that he is “looking forward to training doctors in the United States and Europe in these methods so that health care relating to inflammatory diseases are significantly modified and made more accessible.”
The cost of a course of treatment for treating rheumatoid arthritis could cost as little as $300.00. Taking into consideration a growing world population of older people and escalating medical costs, this film is meant to encourage a serious look at other possibilities of affordable treatment for inflammatory diseases that could become more accessible to more people.
The film is called “An Inflammatory Approach” and is distributed by Dreamscape Media in North America. A video trailer can be seen at this YouTube link.
For direct contact and speaking engagements for Dr. Apparao, please contact filmmaker, Teddy Hayes at,